#54 - Modern Hebrew Poetry from Israel (17 of Israel's best poets, featuring Yehuda Amichai, Ronny Somek, etc.)
#59 - Icelandic Poetry, featuring some of the best of this
little known language's poets.
#64 - 4 Bulgarian poets (features N. Kantchev, Blaga Dimitrova, Konstantin Pavlov and A. Shurbanov)
#68 - Poetry from Slovenia (Some of the best modern poets in Europe write in this Slavic language.)
#75 - Four Flemish Poets (This issue features a section of poems by a group of Flanders' best modern poets)
#94 - Here you will find many fascinating voices from all over the world...
#97 - Here poets from many lands, languages and backgrounds share their creative genius.
#99 - This issue marks our 40th year of publishng.
#100 - This issue marks a milestone and inculdes some of the editors favirite modern, english language poets.
#101 - We lost four of our best poets in 2019: Linda Gregg (Included in this issue is a poem dedicated to her), Mary Oliver, W.S. Merwin, and Michael Mott.
#104 - Poetry is the art of understanding what it is to be alive (Archibald MacLeish)
VIAS Issues
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#54 - Modern Hebrew Poetry from Israel (17 of Israel's best poets, featuring Yehuda Amichai, Ronny Somek, etc.)
#59 - Icelandic Poetry, featuring some of the best of this little known language's poets.
#64 - 4 Bulgarian poets (features N. Kantchev, Blaga Dimitrova, Konstantin Pavlov and A. Shurbanov)
#68 - Poetry from Slovenia (Some of the best modern poets in Europe write in this Slavic language.)
#75 - Four Flemish Poets (This issue features a section of poems by a group of Flanders' best modern poets)
#94 - Here you will find many fascinating voices from all over the world...
#97 - Here poets from many lands, languages and backgrounds share their creative genius.
#99 - This issue marks our 40th year of publishng.
#100 - This issue marks a milestone and inculdes some of the editors favirite modern, english language poets.
#101 - We lost four of our best poets in 2019: Linda Gregg (Included in this issue is a poem dedicated to her), Mary Oliver, W.S. Merwin, and Michael Mott.
#104 - Poetry is the art of understanding what it is to be alive (Archibald MacLeish)
#107- See home page