DADA DOG by Larry Couch - "Quirky, surreal, entirely original poetry" & transl. from French surrealists. ($5.50)
SILVIJA, A RIGA NOCTURNE by Karlis Freivalds -"Moving poetry, that captures the soul of Latvia" ($5.50)
CRYPTYCH by Melissa Bell - "Off the wall… full of surprises." You won't want to miss this! ($5.50)
TRUTH & LIES by Lori Powell - "a post-modern Emily Dickinson…" Here is a poet who can say more in a verse or two than most can in Twenty!…simply moving." ($5.95)
CROCODILE TEARS by Eras Gyure – "Unique poetry by a unique poet…often very moving and real" ($5.95)
USELESS RELICS by Anne Marie Blum – "These gems are a searchlight into the heart" ($5.95)
REAL TOADS by Elisavietta Ritchie - “These toads leap out of their poetic garden!” “Real living, moving poetry.” ($5.95)
SPIDERS by Thomas Dorsett – “I am impressed by the exact eye that informs Dorsett’s poems.” (7.95)
SIRIUS VERSE, editor B.R. Strahan – “Moving poems about the dogs that enter our lives” ($9.95)
Poetry Chapbooks
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DADA DOG by Larry Couch - "Quirky, surreal, entirely original poetry" & transl. from French surrealists. ($5.50)
SILVIJA, A RIGA NOCTURNE by Karlis Freivalds -"Moving poetry, that captures the soul of Latvia" ($5.50)
CRYPTYCH by Melissa Bell - "Off the wall… full of surprises." You won't want to miss this! ($5.50)
TRUTH & LIES by Lori Powell - "a post-modern Emily Dickinson…" Here is a poet who can say more in a verse or two than most can in Twenty!…simply moving." ($5.95)
CROCODILE TEARS by Eras Gyure – "Unique poetry by a unique poet…often very moving and real" ($5.95)
USELESS RELICS by Anne Marie Blum – "These gems are a searchlight into the heart" ($5.95)
REAL TOADS by Elisavietta Ritchie - “These toads leap out of their poetic garden!” “Real living, moving poetry.” ($5.95)
SPIDERS by Thomas Dorsett – “I am impressed by the exact eye that informs Dorsett’s poems.” (7.95)
SIRIUS VERSE, editor B.R. Strahan – “Moving poems about the dogs that enter our lives” ($9.95)